4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin Infections

Those who have suffered from jock itch or athlete’s foot know all too well that curing these infections can seem to take forever. Both are caused by fungi. Another illness caused by a fungus is yeast infections. A yeast infection crops up due to the fungus candida albicans. It will usually appear in the mucous membranes of the vagina or mouth. However, candida albicans can also lie in skin creases, especially if a person has diabetes, is taking antibiotics, or is overweight. The usual treatment for fungal skin infections is external creams and powders, many of which can be purchased over-the-counter. This treatment does not work for all types of fungi, though. For these, oral anti fungal medication will be necessary.

Another way to speed up healing is by taking herbs known to treat fungal skin infections. It is very important to first discuss these with your physician, especially if you are on any other medications.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsChamomile

Chamomile is an annual flower that is often found in gardens because of its sweet smell and appearance. They look like daisies. Chamomile has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. As soon as the plant blooms, the flower is picked to make creams, teas, capsules, and tinctures.

While chamomile is generally used as a sleep aid, it also has some properties that can wipe out fungi. To treat infections, consider drinking chamomile tea throughout the day. Also, you can place your teabag or any leftover tea on the infected areas.

As with all herbal remedies, it is important to discuss chamomile with your physician, and you should not use it if you take blood thinners, other sedatives or if you are pregnant.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera has also been used for thousands of years. As anyone who has had a sunburn knows, aloe vera is a gel that is inside the leaves of succulents. It is excellent for getting rid of fungal skin infections. The juice has also been put in drinks to help get rid of candida albicans infections. Aloe vera works by getting your white blood cells to attack the infection. As with chamomile, it is important to take aloe vera only after discussing it with your doctor. Those who have kidney or liver diseases and women who are nursing or pregnant should not take aloe vera.

4 Herbs to Treat Fungal Skin InfectionsThyme

A member of the mint family, thyme has an instantly recognizable scent. It has long been used  in herbal treatments and as a culinary spice. It is the leaves that are used as medicine. Thyme treats athlete’s foot and other fungal skin infections. It is generally administered in a tea, tincture, or capsule.

Thyme contains a chemical that strengthens skin proteins that will create a stronger barrier against fungi. As with other herbal supplements, be sure to contact your doctor to make sure you are using it properly. Also, thyme should not be used by those who suffer from duodenal ulcers or women who are pregnant.


One of the best foods for treating and preventing fungal skin infections is garlic. It adds a pungent taste to food and has also been used as a medicine since ancient times. Fresh garlic contains a chemical called allicin that can wipe out fungi. Taking a 4,000 mcg or 5,000 mcg of a garlic supplement can completely eliminate a skin infection caused by the candida albicans fungus. Before taking a garlic supplement, you will want to consult your physician, especially if you are on blood thinners or pregnant.